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Repair Rings Services
Size up

The pricing to size up a ring depends on the type of material, thickness of shank, complexity of the ring and how many sizes you need to increase. A simple resize to go up one size can range from $90 - $210 depending on the material.

*please bring your ring in for a full inspection for a complete estimate*

Size down

The pricing to size down a ring depends on the type of material, thickness of shank, complexity of the ring and how many sizes you need to go down. A simple resize to go down one size can range from $70-$125 depending on the material.

*please bring your ring in for a full inspection for a complete estimate*

Solder Rings together

Soldering rings together prevents the rubbing of metal against metal and is most commonly done with an engagement set. Depending on the material, engraving detail, stone placement and shank condition soldering rings together can range from $55-$120

Shank repair or replacement

Shanks of rings can crack, bend or break with time. Shank repair or replacement can give your ring new life and extend the wearable of the ring.

Rhodium Rings

Rhodium plating a ring will restore it to a beautiful white gold color and help it look brand new. A number of different factors impact how often you need to rhodium plate a ring but most rings cost $50-$65 to rhodium plate

Remove ring from Finger

If you have a ring stuck on a finger please come in. Our jeweler can safely remove the ring and cut the shank at the best place for ease of repair.

Get Started
Schedule a time to stop in.

We will evaluate your jewelry to determine the estimated cost of the repair. We also offer free cleaning and check ups for your jewelry, any time.

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